One of my favorite things about being in front of a screen for my working days is that a lot of interesting items find me on the web. Occasionally I’m going to collect them here in no particular order to look back on and reference later. The company I work for used to do a curated weekly list, but since we’re friends, you’ll excuse me if it’s more or less often than that and as wide ranging as I’d like.

  • Great term my wife learned at school: Pastorbate (v), the act of pastoring to someone in a way that makes you feel better.
  • *Speak Torah to Power* A few short talks about reform Judiasm and a hot topic in today's political climate.
  • This outstanding piece from Jackie McMullen on the reality of mental health treatment in the NBA. When making the NBA isn't a cure-all: Mental health and black athletes. ESPN has some of the coldest writers in the world, and after you read this one you should find Mina Kimes' profile on Aly Raisman. They are doing what journalism is supposed to do: shine a light on something we'd all rather ignore, and compel you to want to act on it.
  • I love this tweet for the message and that gorgeous comp:
  • Did you know CSS has a `turn` unit? It’s often easier to turn something `rotate(0.75turn)` instead of doing the math to `rotate(270deg)`
  • Good on WordPress: Sandy Hook Hoaxer blogs removed from platform
  • For the amount **we already spent on crappy affordability programs** we could make public college tuition free: . For reference, Trump signed into law a defense bill that spends over 10 times that amount this fiscal year. The merits of our defense spending aside, we need to remember that money is there, if political will is mobilized.
  • Speaking of public universities, holy shit this spot is amazing:
  • And because of all of the news about criminals and crooks this week, I'd be remiss in not reminding you what an outstanding film this was. Because our current unindicted conspirator in chief is simply not this self aware, we'll never be treated to anything like this, but here's the key scene from Frost/Nixon.
    as an aside, I finished listening to the podcast Slow Burn's first season, which was about the Watergate scandal. The crazy things I did not know shocked me, and they seem so quaint compared to the news today, which is mindblowing to contemplate.