The word of the year is “steady”. How’s that gone?

Generally - pretty well.

I’ve journaled off line more, and of course am writing at all in this forum. I’ve, if not “found peace”, then at least come to a place where acceptance is possible on a lot of things that had been bothering me. I knocked off my unofficial book goal (12 books/year) by largely sticking to my plan of ~25 pages/day. And I’ve exercised most days and am at least on pace to meet my goals there. Those three habits tend to help everything else I do, and I’m proud as I reflect on the last six months of collecting a record of adherance to them.

There’s quite a bit that I haven’t found the “do it, do it consistently, do it without obsessing over it” key for yet. There’s so much - like studying, cleaning, and cooking, to name a few - that I would really, really like to be better at and haven’t cleared the hurdles I need to improve in those fields and others. There’s also financial habits that I don’t feel like we have a great handle on.

But am I enjoying my day to day more than before? Am I doing things I enjoy and getting better at them while becoming better at being present?

Yes, yes I am.

Steady as she goes.