Well, I tried my plan sans barbells last week. It was a mixed bag. The DB benching, high rep back work, and single leg exercises all were very good, and so was the running. But goblet squats, leg pressing, and DB RDLs were all very bad too.

In my frustration, I put a poll out there on Instagram asking if I should continue to try to make due with what I have or just say “screw it” and row 300km in 6 weeks. Landslide said to row, row, row; so, I’m going to row.

I’m going to cheat a little bit in that I’m going to do a half-marathon (21,097) and a full marathon (42,195m) row, which knocks down 300km to only 236708m. I will also only count the distance rowed during work intervals, so if a session is 6x500m, the distance accrued to the goal would be 3000m, not 3000m plus any meters accrued during the “rest” periods. I will count warm-ups and cooldowns on interval workouts, however.

Don’t have a rigid plan in place, just a goal and some key workouts. The most common will likey be this

10 minute warm-up row easy pace
15 rounds 30 seconds row + 90 seconds rest. During rest do 5x light goblet squats or 5-10x push-ups. Each row interval should be uniform distance or as close to it.
10 minute cooldown row easy

which is around ~6000-7000m depending on how fast you row. You could keep bumping up the rounds as long as the quality stays high, which I’ll try to do.

Obviously, hour long and half hour long rows for distance will be a staple workouts as well, accuring chunk meters.

I’m not trying to improve my 500m, 2k or even 5k times, but I think all the practice will likely have some effect on them. I’m just chunking meters and burning off steam.

Work off the rower will be somewhat limited, but still present. DB Benching, upper back work, single leg work like lunges or RFESS will be done twice a week, and some kind of track style work will be done once a week.